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Medical grade precision measurement | Body composition analyzer P10 revealed
High blood pressure, high blood sugar, fatty liver, arteriosclerosis and other diseases caused by obesity pose a serious threat to people's health and even life。In response, people have developed body composition analysis technologies such as BIA (bioelectrical impedance measurement), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging measurement), DEXA (dual-energy X-ray absorption measurement), and water density measurement。In contrast, BIA has been widely welcomed and applied because of its outstanding performance in cost control, ease of use and measurement accuracy。

Body composition analyzer
"Body composition analyzer" is a mature BIA typical application。It uses a weak constant alternating current,The electrical impedance of each part of the human body is measured by connecting the hand and foot with the electrode,The data of body fat, body protein, total body water, muscle, lean body mass and mineral content were obtained,It provides scientific and effective basis for people's weight control, nutrition balance, disease diagnosis and muscle training,It is not only in the medical and fitness fields,It has a large application space in school, family, elderly care and other fields。


BIA measurement principle

The measurement principle of BIA is that the body is divided into conductive body fluids, muscles, etc., and non-conductive adipose tissue. According to the different biological resistance obtained during measurement, different body composition data are collected。
Human tissue contains a large number of cells, the inside of the cell contains intracellular fluid, the outside of the cell contains extracellular fluid。When a low-frequency current is applied to human tissue, the current will bypass the cell and flow through the extracellular fluid。When the current frequency increases, part of the current can penetrate the cell membrane and flow through the intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid。That is, the impedance of human tissues decreases with the increase of frequency, which reflects the capacitive characteristics of cell membranes in human tissues。
Frequencies below 100kHz flow along the cell membrane, measuring water outside the cell。High frequencies above 100kHz can pass through the cell membrane and measure the total amount of water。Therefore, some body composition algorithms will solve the body composition based on the impedance results of multiple frequencies (such as 50kHz/250kHz)。

Schematic diagram of current-frequency characteristics of human tissue

When BIA devices input weak AC current signals into the human body, the current will flow with the body fluid with low resistance and good conductivity。The amount of water determines the width of the path through which the current passes, which can be expressed by the impedance value。The bioimpedance value can be obtained by detecting the voltage:

The bioimpedance can be represented by the complex impedance Z=R+jXc, where the resistance R is the real part and the reactance Xc is the imaginary part。The former is mainly caused by the total amount of water in the human body, and the latter is mainly caused by the capacitance produced by the cell membrane。The impedance can also be expressed as a vector with module |Z| and phase Angle φ。

The BIA device uses an electrode system placed on the surface of the body to input a small AC measurement current to the test object, accurately measure the bioelectrical impedance Z, and plug it into a scientifically validated algorithm to calculate the main body composition results。
BIA survey diagram


Body composition analyzerP10

The P10 launched by Kangyou Technology, a subsidiary of Core Sea TechnologyBody composition analyzerAs a medical grade eight-electrode body composition analyzer equipment。With accurate measurement capabilities in body composition analysis, resting heart rate and weight, the device can be applied to health measurement scenarios such as hospitals, community health, physical examination institutions, medical beauty, gyms, and schools。
Body composition analyzerThe P10 device has a built-in CSHC69T60-C8 module,The body composition algorithm of multi-frequency excitation frequency is adopted,It can be used to accurately measure more than 20 body components such as body fat rate, muscle rate, water rate, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat level, protein, bone salt amount, body age, and body score。
Body composition analyzer system block diagram
Since 2015, Xinhai Technology has begun to invest in research and development in the field of health measurement, relying on its core technology in the field of analog full signal chain, developed a set of professional bioelectrical impedance (BIA) algorithm with leading advantages, and constantly optimize and update。At present, this algorithm of Core Sea Technology has passed medical grade certification and EMC test certification, and the correlation with the industry gold standard DXA test results is more than 0.95。
Measurement data from third-party testing organizations
In June of this year,Body composition analyzerP10 passed the OpenHarmony Compatibility certificate evaluation and obtained the certification。The device uses OpenHarmony 3.The 2 Release system brings a more efficient, flexible and convenient user experience to end users。
2023年6At the Beijing Open Atom Global Open Source Summit, Core Sea Technology was introducedBody composition analyzerP10
Core Sea Technology is the first to launch the eight-electrode body analyzer core chip and the overall solution provider。
All the time,Xinhai Technology maintains a leading edge in the technology accumulation in the field of health measurement,And build on that,Create a set of intelligent health hardware and software one-stop solution including chip, module, measurement algorithm, UX design, H5, APP and SaaS service development capabilities,To provide users with more accurate health measurement services。

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